Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New view of Valentine's Day

I remember when I was in high school I absolutely hated Valentine's Day.  I watched as friends and classmates got those special little somethings from their significant others. The extent of those past holidays was a card from my mom and dad. Even after getting married I was always bitter and just saw it as a way for candy and card companies to make more money.  I believe yesterday was the first time I had a completely different view of Valentine's Day.  With my husband away on business it was just me and my daughter.  I decided to surprise her in the morning with a little gift. She squealed in delight over such a little thing, gave me the biggest hug and said "Happy Valentine's Day mommy!".  My heart melted. We enjoyed a wonderful day together (including making these sand pendants in the picture) capped off with dinner out-just the two of us.  Although my husband wasn't here I got a surprise flower delivery which made me feel as though he was here. A phone call from my mother also added to the contentment of the day.  By the end of the day I realized Valentine's Day is not just for people who have a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. Valentine's Day is about anyone that you love and care for and showing those people that you love them and are thinking of them.  There is nothing to be bitter about because no matter what your romantic relationship is on this day of love, it is more about who matters in your heart. 


  1. Oh, so happy you had such a lovely day yesterday! It was my daughter's Zoe first Valentine's Day :-) We don't normally celebrate all the events there are our there but I am starting to think that we should be doing more - for our baby! Ania the Frugal Burqueno

    1. Yes, I used to think celebrating such things as Valentine's Day was silly but this year was just so different.

  2. Aww! That is totally still me... not celebrating. But maybe once we have a kid, that'll change? What a cute post. I'm a new BloggyMoms follower and look forward to your future posts! :)

    1. Thanks for following! I'm pretty new at this and hope to get better. Love your blog and I became a follower. Southern Cal fascinates me and maybe someday I'll make it there on a vacation and make it out of Indiana!
